Could “Nesting” Be Right For Your Family?

Under Florida law, parents have the right to visitation with their children. What these custody arrangements look like, however, will vary depending on the relationship between the child’s parents and their relationship with the child him or herself. For some, this will mean that a child spends part of the week at one parent’s house and the rest of the week at the other parent’s home. It is also possible, however, to use what is referred to as a “nesting” arrangement, in which the child remains in one residence, while the parents split time between that house and a separate home.
What is Nesting?
Nesting is a type of parenting schedule, wherein two parents share time with their child equally, while also allowing a child to continue living in the same family home. Under this arrangement, parents take turns living with the child in the family home, while the other parent stays in a shared residence. This type of custody arrangement allows children to remain in a familiar residence, while also ensuring frequent contact with both parents. Nesting is a popular option in situations where a divorce takes place in the middle of the school year.
The Benefits of Nesting
There are a lot of benefits to a nesting custody arrangement. Parents who attempt this type of schedule, for instance, don’t have to pack up a child’s bag every other week or worry about transporting that child to the other parent’s home. It can also keep parents from encountering conflict when trying to decide who will keep the family home and can help protect a child from being forced to relocate or change schools mid-year. Couples who utilize a nesting arrangement also often choose to share a secondary residence that each party occupies individually when not staying in the primary home with the child. This can save the parties from having to find and pay for a new place to live on their own.
Nesting is Usually Temporary
It’s important to note that nesting works best as a temporary custody solution, lasting for no more than six months after divorce. During this time, parents can arrange for the home to be sold or transferred into the possession of only one of the parties. Once this has occurred, the parents can start implementing a more standard time-sharing arrangement. Parents who attempt to use nesting as a long-term arrangement, on the other hand, often find themselves engaging in the same types of conflicts they had when married. On a long-term basis, nesting can also be confusing for young children, who may find it hard to understand that their parents are in fact, no longer together. As a temporary arrangement, however, nesting can give children time to transition to post-divorce life, while limiting conflict between the parents.
Call Today for Help with Your Custody-Related Questions
If you and your spouse have decided to separate and you have questions about what type of custody arrangement would be in your family’s best interests, don’t hesitate to call the dedicated Largo child custody lawyers at Cairns law for help.