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Clearwater Divorce Lawyer (Based on 36 Reviews)
727-683-1472 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 713
Largo, FL 33770
Mon - Fri 8:30 am- 5:00 pm Evening and Weekend Appts Available

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What is a Postnuptial Agreement and Should I Consider One?

By Cairns Law |

You’ve heard of prenuptial agreements. Those are agreements that are signed before a marriage happens. Postnuptial agreements, on the other hand, are very similar to prenuptial agreements, but they’re simply after the parties are already married. There are a lot of good reasons why you might want to sign a pre- or postnuptial agreement… Read More »

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How Does Adultery Impact a Divorce in Florida?

By Cairns Law |

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to divorces. That means that Florida only permits no-fault grounds for divorce. An example of a “no-fault ground for divorce” would include one spouse saying that the marriage is irretrievably broken and cannot be saved. In this case, neither spouse is blamed for the breakdown of… Read More »

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How Do I Establish Paternity in Florida?

By Cairns Law |

In legal terms, paternity is defined as the establishment of the father of a child. This includes legal rights and responsibilities for the child. There are generally no situations in which maternity needs to be established. It is generally quite obvious who the mother of a child is. Paternity, on the other hand, is… Read More »

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What is Retroactive Child Support?

By Cairns Law |

Florida law requires both parents to share in the responsibility of raising a child. But far too often, we see situations where one parent has to support the child alone for months or even years. If this situation sounds family, you may have grounds to pursue retroactive child support payments from the child’s other… Read More »

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What to Do If Your Spouse is Selling Assets Before the Divorce is Finalized

By Cairns Law |

It should deeply concern you if your soon-to-be ex has begun selling off assets before the divorce is finalized. Those assets likely belong to you too, and you should have some say in how they’re distributed post-divorce. Any proceeds from those transactions would likely belong partly to you. If your spouse is selling assets,… Read More »

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What is a QDRO and Will I Need One for My Florida Divorce?

By Cairns Law |

You may not want to hear this, but those retirement accounts that have been accruing value while you work are subject to distribution in a Florida divorce. That means that your spouse is entitled to half the proceeds from your retirement accounts (or more—Florida is an equitable distribution state). But you aren’t allowed to… Read More »

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Is the Collaborative Divorce Process Right for Your Family?

By Cairns Law |

Ending a marriage is emotionally, financially, and legally complicated. Fortunately, there are low-conflict methods that can help couples get through his process much more easily. Collaborative divorce, for instance, is one way that couples can resolve their divorces in an out-of-court setting. We’ve included a brief checklist to help you determine whether collaborative divorce… Read More »

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My Partner and I are Getting Divorced – Who Gets to Keep the Dog?

By Cairns Law |

If you and your partner own a pet and you have decided to file for divorce, who will retain “custody” of the animal has undoubtedly already crossed your mind. If so, you are not alone. For divorcing couples, deciding who gets to keep the family pet can be challenging and highly emotional. To help… Read More »

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Is a 50/50 Split of Marital Property During Divorce Always Fair?

By Cairns Law |

Many Florida couples who decide to divorce initiate the process while under the assumption that all of their marital assets will be split down the middle. This, however, doesn’t always end up being the case. Unlike community property states, which require that divorcing couples split their assets 50/50, Florida adheres to an equitable division… Read More »

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Unmarried Parents Still Owe Child Support

By Cairns Law |

Just because two parents are unmarried does not mean that one or both cannot be ordered to pay child support by a Florida judge. This is because under state law, parents not only have parental rights, like the right to visitation with their child, but also parental obligations, which includes the duty to financially… Read More »

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