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Do I Need to Hire a Forensic Accountant for My Divorce?
The financial aspects of divorce are often complicated and can make an already complex and emotionally charged process even more confusing. Fortunately, couples do not have to grapple with these issues on their own, but can often benefit from the help of a financial expert, like a forensic accountant. Read on to learn more… Read More »

What Factors Could Affect How Marital Assets are Divided During My Divorce?
Dividing assets is one of the most important (and complicated) aspects of divorce. It can be helpful, however, for couples to have a thorough understanding of the kinds of factors that could end up influencing how their assets are split up. To that end, we’ve included a few things that can help give divorcing… Read More »

What Events Can Terminate Alimony Payments?
In some divorces, a higher earning or more financially stable spouse will be required to make what are known as alimony payments to his or her former partner once the divorce is finalized. Because permanent alimony was recently abolished in Florida, courts are no longer permitted to award lifelong alimony upon divorce. Instead, courts… Read More »

Mandatory Disclosure in Florida Divorce
When a Florida couple files for divorce, they must engage in what is known as mandatory disclosure, where both must provide the other with important financial documentation. It is only after reviewing these records that couples can come up with a fair settlement agreement, wherein they divide their assets in an equitable fashion. Neither… Read More »

Serving Divorce Papers in Florida
The Florida divorce process starts when a spouse files a petition with the court, requesting a dissolution of his or her marriage. As a part of this process, the petitioner will also need to serve a copy of that petition and an official Summons on his or her spouse. Delivery of these papers is… Read More »

The Steps in an Uncontested Divorce
While ending a marriage is never easy, divorce doesn’t have to involve a bitter, drawn-out courtroom battle. In fact, if a couple can agree on all of the terms of divorce and also meet other requirements, then they could be eligible for an uncontested divorce. These types of divorces tend to be resolved much… Read More »

What Happens if I Miss a Child Support Payment?
Child support awards are legally binding court orders, which means that parents must always comply with their terms. This means that missing even a single child support payment can come with significant legal repercussions. The severity of those consequences will, however, depend on a variety of factors, including the parent’s payment history, attitude, and… Read More »

Drafting a Comprehensive Parenting Plan
Ending a marriage is never easy and the process can become even more complicated when couples share children. One way to help ease the transition from a single two-parent household to two one-parent households, however, is to draft a comprehensive parenting plan. This can help ensure that the children’s best interests remain at the… Read More »

Will I Be Responsible for My Spouse’s Credit Card Debt if We Get Divorced?
Of the many issues that must be addressed during divorce proceedings, the allocation of debt between the spouses often ends up being one of the most contentious. This is especially true in cases where one spouse incurred the majority of the debt in question. Dividing Debt During Divorce Like assets acquired during a marriage,… Read More »

How Your Marital Standard of Living Could Affect Your Divorce
Divorce comes with a lot of changes for the parties involved. One of the biggest is often a reduction in income for each member of the family, as both spouses extricate themselves from each other’s finances. This can often leave the lesser earning spouse concerned about how they will make ends meet or whether… Read More »